Excellence in Education

Mary Lorimer Tutoring

Personalised teaching and tutoring support

"To build confidence and unlock the potential"


Jayne Johnson

I gained a BSc (Hons) Degree in Psychology in 2003 and continued to achieve Qualified Teacher Status whilst completing the Graduate Teacher programme at Warwick University.

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I have been a primary school teacher since 2005, working in both mainstream and special school settings. I am a Test Administrator for NFER, The National Federation of Educational Research involved in National Testing at both Key Stage 1 and 2. In addition, I sit on Teacher Panels providing input for future national testing for the STA Standards and Testing Authority at the Department of Education.

As a mother of three daughters, I was always fascinated by the number of differences between them. This led to studying Psychology with a strong focus on child development, special needs and individual differences. I have kept this at the core of my teaching and very much seek to gain a connection through individual adaptation to specific needs. This, in turn, promotes a strong foundation for optimal learning.

I keep myself ‘fairly’ fit by running and walking, enjoying hiking on the coastal path. I live on a small holding with sheep and chickens and very much enjoy the outdoor life. I also play the piano and enjoy all kinds of craft.

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