The benefits of tutoring during these strange times

30 Jul 2020 by Chris Lorimer general
According to Sutton Trust statistics (2018), over a quarter of 11-16 year olds in state schools receive tutoring. Parents and carers are fully aware that a good tutor can make a huge difference to their child's educational performance but in current times it can have even more importance in building confidence and self-esteem.
For many, tutoring is not just seen as filling in the gaps of a variable home education experience but is seen as an essential part of their child being confident, happy and ready for the return of the "new normal" school experience.
So what are the benefits? Research consistently shows that personalised learning with an experienced tutor can deliver a wide range of benefits, including:
1. Better study skills. One of the main outcomes of tutoring is to help the young person develop learning patterns and behaviours that will assist them in benefitting from any educational input. Learning how to manage their time, for example, is not always a natural skill but often needs to be learnt.
2. Enhanced core knowledge. Often just finding new ways to learn core knowledge can provide a major boost to the child's attainment and confidence. Top tutors will find the best ways to help the young person learn required information with the minimum of effort and anguish.
3. Improved academic performance. Building on their newly acquired knowledge and enhanced study skills, the tutor will assist the young person to score as highly as they can, challenging them to stretch their capabilities to the maximum whatever their prior level of achievement.
4. Confidence, self-esteem and a passion for learning. For many, the most important impact of effective tutoring will be their outlook, rekindling an enthusiasm for education. This attitudinal change will have a compound effect on all areas of their lives, helping them realise that they are capable of so much more than they initially thought.
If you wanted to discuss how tutoring might help your child, please contact us!
Tags: Tutoring